Joann Muller of Forbes fame recently visited Munro & Associates with her camera crew for an exclusive tour of the BMW i3 teardown and reverse engineering project.  For the last several months the team at Munro have slaved away tearing down and analyzing this high-tech vehicle, uncovering one new technology after another.

Joann describes the scene as, “…a nondescript industrial building in suburban Detroit, (where) a $50,000 BMW is lying in pieces. The place looks like an illegal chop shop, where stolen vehicles are disassembled to be sold as parts.”  Muller goes on to explain though, “But A. Sandy Munro is no car thief: he paid full price for the BMW i3 he subsequently tore apart. Nor is he selling it for parts. He is, however, selling information about this remarkable car to anyone who is interested. And rest assured, a lot of people in the auto industry want to know its secrets.”

Amongst many of the new technologies and process uncovered in this teardown, Muller emphasized the overall importance of these breakthroughs, “to cope with a confluence of troubling trends — global congestion, pollution and, yes, high fuel costs — that threaten the long-term viability of the automotive industry.”

To see the video and article click here.

Or to download the BMW i3 Report Prospectus click here.