In the recent Automotive Engineering article “Stuck on Structural Adhesives” from Automotive Engineering, Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro shares “We’ve used adhesives forever. It’s just that the amount of confidence in them has drastically changed [in recent years].”

According to the article, as the need for lighter materials and enhanced body performance intensifies, structural adhesives are flourishing as a materials-joining solution. The widening reliance on high- and ultrahigh-strength steels and aluminum for body structures, particularly unitized bodies-in-white (BIW), to cut weight without sacrificing crash-mitigating strength or handling degrading rigidity, is the prime factor driving the expanding use of structural adhesives.

Sandy references his firm’s findings from the BMW i3 teardown and adds, “Anything you can possibly imagine, they glued together. The polyurethanes they are using are unreal.”

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