Episode 8 – Q&A from Comments and View of Things to Come

Welcome back to episode eight of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro addresses a handful of viewer questions and gives a glimpse of what to expect next.

During the five-minute video, Sandy discusses four common viewer questions:

  1. Insight regarding the industry standard for gaps;
  2. The pros and cons of using bands versus bolts for the suspension dampener;
  3. How Munro received the Model Y; and
  4. What tools Sandy uses for his teardowns.

He also offers a quick glimpse of what’s to come. You can check it all out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN0cvI6uNnE&t=3s

Interested in more? Visit www.MunroLive.com for full details about Munro’s Tesla Model Y discovery process. This site will offer regular insight from Sandy, interactive data and reports, and livestream from Munro’s headquarters.