Munro Tech Spotlight: Presidium Sets Out to Revolutionize the Composites Industry

Munro & Associates is always on the lookout for upcoming, innovative and disruptive technology. To remain on the cutting edge, Munro works to connect with companies that are making a big impact. To highlight some of these companies, we’re starting our Tech Spotlight series.

The first company we’re highlighting in this series is Presidium, an innovative technology company that invents, develops, and manufactures disruptive engineered materials. The company’s mission is to revolutionize not only what products can be made of, but how products are designed and manufactured.

Presidium wants to revolutionize the composites industry. In the more than 40 year history of the $30 billion industry, there have been innovations such as carbon fiber, but in general, it has been the same manufacturing materials, fiberglass and resin systems with the same manufacturing processes.

The company set out to do something different and answer the question, “Can we make a material that not only provides better properties from a material science standpoint, but also change the manufacturing process to improve the total system cost on marking a part, as well as the whole value chain of the composites industry?” said Jeffery Ritz, chief executive officer at Presidium.

And in four years, Presidium has created the material called RevoTherm™. RevoTherm, which stands for revolutionary thermoset, is a polyurethane-based thermoset resin system with material properties capable of replacing traditional composite materials in either a lightweight “neat” or reinforced system. With a number of benefits, Presidium calls RevoTherm the “Swiss Army knife of value propositions.”

Next week, we’ll share part two of this Tech Spotlight series and highlight RevoTherm’s benefits.