Munro gives out masks from Cypress River Advisors to local grocery stores!

Sandy Munro has been urging our viewers on Munro Live to tip their cashiers and, in general, pay respect to the front line essential workers who have been putting their lives and health on the line during this COVID 19 crisis.

Well, recently Sandy has taken it one step further and with the help of Jason Wang at Cypress River Advisors, the creative engineers at, and the Taiwanese manufacturers, Sandy Munro handed out boxes of facemasks to certain local grocery stores in the Detroit Metro area.

Jason Wang, an alumnus from the University of Michigan and Wolverines fan who now lives in Taiwan and runs an Investment Company with a portfolio including philanthropic work fostering air quality analytical platforms, academic research, and education provided these much-needed masks recently and the local grocery stores who received them were all too happy.  From all the people at Munro, we very much thank Jason for his generous donation and salute his commitment to helping our at-risk workers!

Munro would like to send a big thanks out to Jason and his team and all the other unsung heroes out there making a difference during this pandemic!

For the full video, click here!

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