CORP! Magazine Recognizes Munro in COVID-19 Heroes

In the most recent issue of “CORP! Magazine”, there is a featured section on Michigan companies that picked up the fight against COVID in their own way to help make better of a terrible situation through providing community solutions to the cause.

Sandy Munro started off early talking about the importance of paying it forward to the front line cashiers at local grocery stores in order to acknowledge their risk of catching the illness in the act of performing their jobs by tipping them with whatever change is leftover in a person’s grocery bill.  This topic was featured in Munro’s now highly watched YouTube series on the Tesla Model Y teardown.  The #keepthechange hashtag started to catch on.

A fan of Sandy’s show, Jason Wang of Cypress River Advisors, sympathized with this message and provided Munro & Associates with a few thousand masks shipped over from Taiwan so that Sandy could hand them out to the front line cashiers at local grocery stores so that their employees could be protected without having to pay for masks.  Cypress River Advisors has been instrumental in distributing face masks for free to hospitals, nursing homes and communities in need across America, Japan and Taiwan recently and is still collecting donations to do so. (Click here to donate).

The grocery stores were elated and it definitely put a smile on the managers and employees faces (albeit, hard to see under the masks).  This story was then picked up by CORP! Magazine where you can read the full story story here.