Cybertruck E5 – Ride & Drive, Series Wrap-Up

“Hey, boys and girls we’re back again!”  In this week’s installment of the Cybertruck vs conventional truck series, we examine the ride and drive aspects of these vehicles. Sandy takes for a spin, in alphabetical order, Chevy, F150, and Ram.

Sandy talks about some interesting drive characteristics that only a truck enthusiast who is driven the different competitor trucks would have experienced in the past.

He then moves on to breaking down the price per vehicle versus horsepower and range.  Spoiler alert! The Ford F150 wins for most torque, however, when compared with what is being proposed as the specs for the Cybertruck, nothing would come close to the proposed 800 HP and 1000 lbs of torque that the Tri-motor AWD would deliver.

But there are a few more twists and if you want to know them, you have to watch the video here!

This brings us to the conclusion of our videos comparing these vehicles. We hope you enjoyed the series and also if Tesla is watching, feel free to send us a Cybertruck if you want to here our unbiased opinions.

Also, if you are reading this, we would like to remind everyone that it is by selling reports or consulting that we really make a living.  If you want to truly support not only the creation of these videos but also to keep Munro afloat during these hard times, we just want to point out that the Model Y report is almost ready for prime time, and you can already purchase the Octovalve and Thermal System report, the Inverter report, a comparison of 10 of the leading EV motors and the Model 3.

If you are serious about competing in the new EV world, these reports are a must-have.  Don’t be left in the dust while your competitors reap the knowledge contained in these tomes.  Reports of this type don’t exist anywhere else in the market.  Contact for more information.