Charged EVs Covers Munro’s BMW i3 Report for $10

Never a person to shy away from taking an action to shake up the market, Sandy Munro started to offer Munro & Associates BMW i3 Report which consists of 10 Vehicle Zones and almost 24,000 pages of in-depth analysis (a must have for EV enthusiasts), is now getting picked up by some of the media, including Charged EV Magazine.

For their full article on this, click here:

This report cost Munro over $2 million dollars to create and was sold for $89,000 up until recently, showcases the Munro benchmarking prowess and offers to the EV enthusiast or the engineering grad student alike a view into one of the most groundbreaking EV for its time!

As an homage to one of Sandy’s former mentors, Sandy wanted to cut a break for the average Joe who cannot afford an industry priced report, but maybe has the inkling to be an entrepreneur in the EV world, maybe even the next Elon Musk.

Chances to view a report like this for this level of price are unheard of in the industry, so we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity now before we remove the report forever.  If you are interested, click on this link here to take you to the report purchasing page: