Automotive News – COVID Heros features Sandy Munro

Recently, Automotive News put out it’s latest feature of COVID 19 heroes where they focus on acts of giving throughout the industry within the community regarding acts of kindness or service to the community to help those that are struggling amid the pandemic or small businesses and more.

Sandy Munro was sent several boxes of masks from one of our viewers, Jason Wang of Cypress River Advisors, who sympathized with Munro’s message of tipping the local cashiers in thanks for risking their health during this pandemic and serving the community.  He then provided Munro & Associates with a few thousand masks shipped over from Taiwan so that Sandy could hand them out to the front line cashiers at local grocery stores so that their employees could be protected without having to pay for masks.  Cypress River Advisors has been instrumental in distributing face masks for free to hospitals, nursing homes and communities in need across America, Japan and Taiwan recently and is still collecting donations to do so. (Click here to donate).

Here is the link to the PDF of the story: (Click here)