Elon Musk is Channeling Henry Ford on Axios

Elon is on a quest to revolutionize the automotive industry.  Every step he takes is another foray into the future of what an automobile should be.  In this article from Joann Muller on Axios, Joann compares how Elon is shaping the new auto industry with some retro views.  Taking a page out of Henry Ford’s book, Elon is now touting the importance of manufacturing efficiencies and vertical integration, concepts made popular by Ford.

Also, much like Ford, Elon has suffered the slings and arrows of critics but come through with his head held high.  The more you look into these two individuals, the more parallels become apparent.

Sandy Munro was invited to talk on this subject with Joann and you can follow the full discussion in the official article.

For the full story on AXIOS, click here!

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