Mint Chosun Ilbo: Sandy Munro says Tesla is 8 Years Ahead

Mint which is the Economic Business Section of Chosun Ilbo (the largest newspaper and online news source in Korea) recently did a video interview with Sandy Munro.  In this no-holds-barred interview, Sandy reveals several of the shocking finds that were uncovered about Tesla’s technological prowess in the Tesla Model Y.

The reporters were blown away at the honesty and depth that Sandy Munro went into when describing his favorite finds in the Model Y including the Megacasting, the batteries and motor, as well as the overall improvements that Tesla seems to keep making with every new design iteration of their vehicles.

Tesla is 5-10 years ahead in electronics, motors, and overall the general design of these cars vs any of their competitors.  Sandy is particularly impressed with the material science and metallurgical breakthroughs that Tesla has employed.  Some of the alloys on the steel and aluminum parts are unique and never seen before by Munro in their 32+ years of business.

Sandy says that the automotive world probably can’t catch up with Tesla because they have such a head start as well as continuing to rapidly apply new design changes in their vehicles.

Many of the new ideas Tesla comes up with are hidden in plain sight by Tesla as they don’t necessarily patent everything, therefore not bringing attention to their innovations that they wish for competitors to overlook.

To watch the video click here:

To read the original article in Korean, 한국어로 된 원문보기, follow this link: