Watch Sandy Make a Tesla Battery Mock-up and His Thoughts On Battery Day!

Wow, for the Tesla fans out there (and the short sellers) you are going to find our latest video very interesting.  Inspired by the announcements made during Tesla Battery Day, Sandy takes some time out of his regular workday to create a mock-up of the newly proposed battery cells/packs to show just how much of a difference this new battery set up will be for Tesla vehicles.

If you want to find out early, some of Sandy’s predictions about how the new battery packs will be set up in the vehicle, cooled, create more power in a smaller space, and also add to the strength of the structure, then this video is your ticket to seeing some of Tesla secrets before they release them.

Then Sandy moves on to explaining the newly proposed body structure that will incorporate 2 Mega-castings (front and rear) with the battery packs creating the new center body and why this move is such a big deal in the automotive design realm.

Lastly, Sandy makes an impassioned plea to Tesla for… well you will just have to watch: