Sandy’s Tesla Battery Day Follow-up Part 2

In the second installment of Sandy’s analysis of Tesla’s battery day discoveries, Sandy starts off by answering certain comments and questions from viewers and then goes into more detail about why he thinks the batteries will be a superior solution.  Sandy also reveals where the large casting came from in our last video – Invocast!

From there Sandy Goes back into history and starts talking about other projects that Munro has worked on where we have turned a corner in technology and improved a product or vehicle to the point where we changed the critic’s minds about what could be possible.

Sandy then moves into Munro’s future, working with several new electric vehicles in order to bring low cost and fun transportation solutions to the market, in the form of Arcimoto’s FUV, Aptera, and the Nobe Car.  We address issues like safety, but also cost, delivering to niche markets, and innovation in a burgeoning area of EVs.  Sandy also let’s his audience know that he is open to investors who want to be a part of the future of these vehicles, specifically the Nobe.

But perhaps most interesting of all… there is a surprise box at the end… what will it be???

Watch the full episode here: