Does The Mach-E Pass The SORB Test?

In this episode of the Mach-E teardown, Sandy and Ben first examine the air-intake for the HVAC and the battery management cooling system.  Sandy discusses the design choices that the Ford team made and why are good, allowing the Mach-E to make space to have a frunk.

Sandy goes on to talk about the front facia of the car and design choices he likes that were made such as the snap fits for attaching the facia onto the vehicle frame. Sandy is particularly impressed with the snap fits found on the headlamps that help also to locate and align their position.

The topic then shifts to how Sandy and Ben feel about the design choices made on the body to withstand the SORB test (Small Overlap Rigid Barrier), where the car is run at a speed of 40 Mph towards a barrier that is at a 25% offset of the front side of the vehicle to simulate a collision with a roadside barrier.  There are many design choices that Sandy is happy with that add safety and perform well.

Then Sandy and Ben move on to the side of front fender area where the discuss some re-design choices that Ford could make to save both money and weight to the vehicle, but to hear about those, you have to watch the video: