In today’s episode of Munro Live, our viewers get a glimpse behind the scenes of Munro working with Faraday Future doing an FFQ on a FF 91.

We are first greeted by Dan Todd who is the Director of Quality Operations at Faraday Future. Dan explains that Munro is benchmarking not only the FF 91 prototype but also a Mercedes-Maybach S-Class and a few other competitors. This will allow Faraday to find key issues between the vehicles – both wins and gaps for improvement for Faraday. Munro will be looking at Fit and Finish, Function, and User Experience; everything that Faraday’s customers would care about. Faraday is committed to getting things right for their customers and are taking a bold steps to achieve this.

Chris Ferland of Munro & Associates then takes the viewers on a tour of the vehicle and explains how Munro will analyze and evaluate different sections of the car. Specifically Chris points out features with the door, the charging lights on the lower portion of the car, and inside the drivers side of the vehicle including looking at the instrument panel, infortainment system, and the “propeller” display. From there, Timonthy Atchinson takes over and explains how Munro analyzes gaps in panles and trim pieces of the car. Leonard Page then shows us how we use an effort gauge on different controls in the vehicle as a part of the FFQ study. Every button is measured in Newtons to determine how much force is needed to operate each button, lever, and other controls.

We are then joined by another veteran of the Munro family Rich Szajewski who is a senior consulting engineer with a specialty in materials and new technologies. He continues the tour showing the viewers how we use digital gap gauges to measure door gaps.

To see the full episode, click below: