The last few months have seen a flurry of activity at Munro & Associates as the team has been undertaking the massive task of dismantling, recording, and analyzing the BMW i3 in minutia for one of the largest and most comprehensive teardown benchmarking and reverse engineering studies the company has ever seen.  This has attracted a lot of media attention, including from the prestigious Wall Street Journal.  Journalist Joseph B. White was one of the visitors who got the full tour of what innovations and secrets this breakthrough vehicle holds.

“Seeing the battery-powered i3 in pieces puts into perspective how far this industry has come over the past quarter century…” , remarks Joseph White in his article.  “The i3 combines some of the auto industry’s oldest ideas with some of its newest”, White reminisces, impressed with the idea of the classic “body-on-frame” concept adapted using the latest carbon fiber technology to achieve a lightweight yet strong structure that is leading the industry.  “BMW’s carbon-fiber city car is an important marker for anyone trying to figure out the future of an industry that is still a centerpiece of the global economy after more than a century.”

White describes Munro as a place where the team “…takes apart cars, seeking clues to design and manufacturing tricks he can sell to manufacturers eager for a cram course on their competition.”

Click here for a link to the original article.

Or to download the BMW i3 Report Prospectus click here.