A few months ago, Fusion TV sent the crew from their new show, “Car VS America” to investigate what they called, “One of the stealthiest little known operations in the Detroit area” to uncover one of the best kept secrets of the automotive industry – Munro’s Benchmarking Innovation Center (BIC) to see just how deep the “Competitive Benchmarking” rabbit hole goes.

Munro & Associates has been in the business of Competitive Benchmarking and Reverse Engineering for decades, tearing apart and analyzing anything from cars to tanks, consumer electronics to heavy industrial machines.  They now currently have a materials, process and new technology base rivaled by very few in the Manufacturing industry.

The presenters Michael Ballaban and Raphael Orlove, car-obsessed editors from Jalopnik, now team up in their new show to explore all the inner workings, tricks of the trade, and, in general, experience how people in the Auto Industry take their craft to the next level.

Both presenters of this show were dazzled by the secrets they got to check out and play around with at Munro & Associates.  But to find out what they saw, you will have to watch the episode.

Follow this link to watch a short clip of the program on Munro and find out for yourself.