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Munro is hosting an intimate Electric Vehicle conference at its headquarters in Auburn Hills, Michigan on June 21st 2019. Attendees will get a closer look at the parts and structure of these vehicles, all while being educated by Munro’s staff on their inner workings.

During the event, the Munro team will present an engineering comparison of four leading EVs: the Tesla Model 3; the BMW i3, the Chevy Bolt; and the Jaguar I-PACE.

The tour of the Munro Benchmarking Investigation, Innovation & Implementation Center will provide an Engineering deep dive of the most advanced electric vehicles and technologies in the market today. Munro will also provide an in-depth view into how we analyze products and perform Costing and Reverse Engineering.

The main focus will be on the EV “Big 3”: Motors, Batteries and Electronics; however, there will be a new technology review with insight into the engineering and designs of some of the other innovative vehicles on the road today. All the Powertrains will be compared side-by-side to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Unlike many “Power Point Conferences” the parts will be laid out on tables or hanging on “A Frames” with knowledgeable Munro Engineers to provide detailed description of the key take-ways along with answering all your questions.

For the Jaguar I-PACE, there will be a hoist review to discuss the I-PACE and its electric motor.

EXTRA! Munro has also invited an independent investigator from Tesloop who will share important aspects of EVs that are rarely discussed; life expectancy and maintenance of an EV. Tesloop has ALL the documentation on the durability of the Tesla product.

This is a must attend event for all EV Engineers!

$199 which includes:

Timing, Location & Agenda:

Friday, June 21st, 2019

Munro & Associates
1140 Centre Road Auburn Hills, MI 48326

8:30 a.m. Registration, Coffee & Donuts
9:00 to 9:15 Welcome and logistics
9:15 to 9:45 Who is Munro? How do we get our Numbers?
9:45 to 10:15 Battery Debrief  
10:15 to 10:45 Electronics Debrief
10:45 to 11:15 Electric Motor Debrief
11:15 to 12:00 Long Range Tesla Data; Full data on Tesla vehicles some with 380,000 MILES! BTW No Maintenance Issues!!!
12:00 to 1:00 Lunch
13:00 to 15:30 On-The-Floor, Group Breakout, Around the Parts; I PACE Hoist Review, Side by Side discussions at 5 teardown stations to discuss all the vehicle components
15:30 to 16:30 Social Hour, Tours of Other Vehicles at Munro and Networking

Tickets limited to 100 guests. Purchase your tickets now by clicking here: