According to a recent Auto Express article, Tesla’s market capitalization of $81.39 billion sees it surpass Ford’s record from 1999. This growth makes Tesla worth nearly as much as Ford and GM combined … and the most valuable American carmaker of all time.

Author Hugo Griffiths said, “… as a dedicated maker of electric vehicles, Tesla has forged a path for mainstream manufacturers to follow, leaving giants like Volkswagen and Toyota to play catchup as consumer tastes and legislation increasingly favor electric vehicles rather than those powered by fossil fuels.”

According to Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro, “Tesla’s electronics are also said to be significantly more advanced than some car makers.” In a recent Autoline After Hours podcast, Sandy said that the Tesla Model 3’s circuit board design is highly sophisticated, and “like nobody has got.”

“This is cellphone technology,” Sandy said. “The technology we would see in really high-end computers…spectacular…the same kind of technology you would see on the flight controller for an F35. Everything here smacks of cellphone technology and defense technology.”

For more insight on how Tesla has taken the lead, please review: Tesla is the most valuable US car maker of all time