Episode 20: Noise, Vibration & Harshness Countermeasures, Cooling Pack & AGS

Welcome back to episode 20 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro walks viewers through the various types of noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) countermeasures found in the vehicle.

There are various NVH countermeasures present on the Model Y, including: lofted fiberglass; foam-in-place PUR (polyurethane) with TPO (thermoplastic olefin) skin; a pumpable sound deadener; mastic patches; and die-cut foam.

Sandy also gives an overview of the construction of the cooling pack that’s outside of the vehicle, as well as the active grille shutter (AGS) system.

To end the segment, Sandy shares more about what Munro is all about and what they do, including analyzing products, such as the most extensive study Munro has ever done on the BMW i3, and helping companies design better products.

You can see the full details on the NVH countermeasures, cooling pack and AGS system here.

Interested in more? Visit www.MunroLive.com for full details about Munro’s Tesla Model Y discovery process. This site will offer regular insight from Sandy, interactive data and reports, and livestream from Munro’s headquarters.

Also, please consider Sandy’s suggestion for how to pay it forward during these challenging times. Together we have the ability to make a difference!