Episode 24: Opening Up the High Voltage Battery & Model 3 Comparison

Welcome back to episode 24 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro opens up the high voltage (HV) battery.

Taking a look at the Model Y battery pack, Sandy notes while there are some differences, it is nearly identical to the Model 3 battery pack. The same is also true for the battery cover itself.

Looking at the HV battery, Sandy mentions a few parts that were on the Model 3, but were eliminated on the Model Y, including the: AC filter harness trough; fuse protective cover; and safety switch terminal caps.

You can see the full details on the function of some of the battery components here.

Stay tuned for more videos dedicated to the HV battery.

Interested in more? Visit www.MunroLive.com for full details about Munro’s Tesla Model Y discovery process. This site will offer regular insight from Sandy, interactive data and reports, and livestream from Munro’s headquarters.

As many viewers have expressed interest in purchasing parts from the Model Y, Munro has listed parts for sale on its support page. You can see what parts are available, including some from the Model 3 here.