Teslarati covers Munro Q and A – Model Y has no competition!

Teslarati recently did a story on Munro’s Q&A session on the Munro Live YouTube site, where Sandy Munro says, “I don’t think anyone right now has a way of challenging Tesla.”

After the intense teardown that Munro did on the Tesla Model Y, Sandy Munro and his team got a very real picture of where the Model Y stands versus their EV competition from legacy carmakers… and it puts them into a completely different echelon.

Check out the full article here:  https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-dominance-has-no-rivals-sandy-munro-video/

Also, if you want to learn more about the Tesla Model Y beyond what’s discussed in the 40 episode series, check out the Tesla Model Y prospectus here or contact Munro at sales@leandesign.com.