Sandy Munro’s Tesla Y teardown finds its way into the Wall Street Journal

Sandy Munro once again found himself the topic of interest in the latest Wall Street Journal article entitled, “Is Tesla’s Model Y Crossover the World’s Best Car?” by Dan Neil.

Dan starts off his article, “I WAS debating whether to proclaim the new Tesla Model Y the best car in the world.”  He goes on to reference several sources that help them to come up with this conclusion, including the observations made by our founder Sandy Munro in a recent Teslarati article and, of course, the body of evidence found in Munro’s recent Model Y teardown series on YouTube.

Dan writes that during the pandemic shutdown, Sandy Munro’s YouTube series has elevated him to the status of “EV folk hero,” inspiring viewers such as himself to be in awe of this engineering marvel.  He does go on to mention the flaws that Sandy found in the car but reiterating that all of this is overshadowed by the overwhelming technological leaps found in this vehicle.

To view the full article in the Wall Street Journal, click here!

Most importantly, if you or your team wants to get ahead in the new EV world, our reports on the Model Y will put you in the driver’s seat.  We cover everything featured in our video series and more.  Also, our report on the leading 10 Electric Motors will let you know where everyone stands in the EV motor world. Whether you are an OEM, supplier, or manufacturer looking to get into the shifting EV market, these reports can give you an advantage now instead of wasting money trying to analyze in-house. Contact us today at to learn more!