“Shocking” Cost Results Between the Tesla Model 3 and Y!

“The Street” wrote an article recently where they revealed to their audience Sandy Munro’s finding on the cost comparisons between these two Tesla vehicles.

“The results are shocking. There’s a big, giant difference between the cost of the Model 3 [in 2018] and this Model Y in 2020, and the cost went down significantly!” – Sandy Munro

When Munro tore down and analyzed the first releases of the Tesla Model 3 in early 2018, the first findings were less than favorable:  A fit and finish that was comparable to a Kia in the 90’s, paint peeling and abnormalities, body engineering choices that were over-engineered, cumbersome, and expensive, etc.  However, Munro did find a lot of impressive leaps in technology for the motor and the “Superbottle”, to name a few.  Sandy then assembled several ideas/recommendations for improvement on that vehicle which it appears that Tesla took to heart and implemented on their Model Y.

“We were impressed with the step-change that has occurred at Tesla and no other car company has pulled off this kind of technological and quality turn around in so short of a time!” – Sandy Munro.

And Elon Musk was watching, at first, not a fan of Munro’s criticisms on the Model 3, but after watching carefully for some time, became admittedly respectful of Munro’s engineering analysis.  Even going so far as to tweet: “Munro’s analysis of Tesla engineering is accurate, both pro & con.  I think he will appreciate some elements of the Model Y body design.”

Appreciate we did!  Many of these suggestions were implemented on the Y and resulted in a car that currently blows other EVs out of the water.  To investors though, what is most striking is that by implementing these improvements on the Model Y, they have also drastically reduced the cost of the vehicle, while still reaping a higher profit margin than on a Model 3…

To read the full article from The Street, click here:  https://www.thestreet.com/tesla/articles/sandy-munro-tesla-model-y-costs-are-shocking

Speaking of the Model Y, our Model Y report which showcases all the leading EV technology and those suggestions Munro gave to Tesla can now be purchased. No other car we have analyzed has this many technology leaps.  One of those leaps is the Octovalve and Thermal System which is such a unique technology that we created a separate report just on it.  Also, Munro has reports on 3 EV Inverters and a comparison of 10 of the leading EV motors and the Model 3.

If you are serious about competing in the new EV world, these reports are a must-have.  Don’t be left in the dust while your competitors reap the knowledge contained in these tomes.  Reports of this type don’t exist anywhere else in the market.  Contact sales@leandesign.com for more information.