Munro Selling Model Y Sample Reports for $5

What? $5 for a Munro report?  Well, not exactly… Munro sells the full Model Y Report for $89K.  Paying full price will get you as follows:

You can also purchase individual reports made for those only interested in specific vehicle areas.  The cost breakdown for those is as such:

In addition to this you can also buy the Tesla Model 3 to Model Y Side-by-Side Report for $35,000 USD.

So what does the $5 report get you?  The purchaser will receive over 100 pages of the actual report, but the information will be augmented to hide the real data.  That being said there is a ton of great factual in formation in the sample report and as a student you get to see what a professional benchmarking report looks like.

For more information, Sandy put together this quick video explaining the sample reports: