The Octovalve: CT Scans from Kinetic Vision

In Munro Live’s latest episode, Sandy reveals some amazing scans done by Kinetic Vision on the Octovalve.  In this video, you can see moving computer animations that show the internal workings of the Tesla Model Y Octovalvecolor in color-coded relief, making it easier to understand from the layperson’s perspective.

If you have ever had any questions about how the Octovalve functions, here is the best example of it in a well-narrated video with Sandy Munro.

To watch the full video, which is a must-see, follow this link:

Or better yet, if you are looking to see the full scans as well as all the other data you could possibly want about this marvel of fluid dynamics and thermal system efficiency, why not buy the report!  Follow this link to the Octovalve prospectus: