Happy New Year 2021 – What’s Next?

Well… 2020 has come and gone, leaving the world a very new and different place.  Some companies did not survive the transitions that all were forced to face, but some survived and grew and we are proud to say that Munro & Associates is one of the survivors!

But what is going to come next in 2021?  With lot’s of uncertainty in manufacturing markets and even a new US government, there are many questions hanging in the air.  But one thing is for certain, Munro & Associates is poised to bring you more great content – the leading edge of technologies in the burgeoning EV industry, as well as many others.  So this is your time to give us input and feedback as to what things you would like to see next?

To have your voices heard, please let us know what you are interested in seeing/learning about next by contacting us at sales@leandesign.com

From all of us at Munro & Associates, we wish you a better year in 2021.  May you all stay safe and we hope we can provide you with continuing quality content!