In this exciting new show, Sandy presents to the audience of Canada Talks Electric Cars hosted and created by Tim Burrows of the EV Society in Canada.

Although one of the most interesting things that Sandy covers in this webinar is, of course, solid state batteries, including potential capabilities, trade-offs with other battery technologies, and how close we are to getting these in vehicles including a company that is close, but Sandy goes far beyond just this topic including other bleeding edge technologies for EVs.

In this webinar you will find predictions for where Sandy sees the EV market from now until 2028, the state of the I.C.E. vehicle market and where they will stand in the future, Tesla and it 4680 batteries, China roll in the coming EV market, ADAS, Teledyne FLIR, mega-casting body designs, hydrogen fuel cells, plasma kinetics, and a great Canadian startup – Springpower. This webinar is jam-packed with information, data, charts, technology reveals, and exciting new concepts. If you are an EV enthusiast, you don’t want to miss out!

Click on the link below to watch the full webinar: