In this episode of Munro Live, Sandy goes into great detail about our recent teardown of the Ford Mach-E Rear electric motor.

Well, this motor isn’t exactly what Sandy expected to find in this vehicle. The part Sandy was the most impressed with was the magnets themselves, but from there is seems to be a series of pointers for improvements. From excessive laminations, buried pumps and filters, and the largest motor casing we have ever seen, there is a lot of surprises.

In general, this motor has a lot of parts and processes involved in its manufacturing and assembly, and although it has come up in other videos and popular quotes that electric vehicles have fewer parts than ICE vehicles, especially comparing engines to electric motors, but this video proves, that is not always the case.

When comparing this electric motor to Tesla’s and VW there are many points of improvement that are possible from a complexity reduction standpoint, with Sandy giving a special shout out of praise to the design of VW ID.4 motor that removes the need for an oil pump by creating an innovative component that solves this problem.

In general, this is a concise and very interesting episode that will tell you all you need to know about the Mustang Mach-E rear motor as well as providing many moments of Sandy’s subtle humor and his lifetime of design experience.

Click below to watch the video now: