In today’s episode of Munro Live, Sandy and Chris, who is the President of the Tesla Owners Club of Michigan and YouTube channel Dirty Tesla, test drive a Tesla Model Y with full self-driving (FSD 9.0).

Chris was lucky enough to get an FSD Beta version 9 Tesla Y, so that he can test it out and was nice enough to let Sandy come for a ride to explain the new feature and get a feel for what it is like. Starting in Munro’s parking lot, Chris gets Sandy to choose a destination on the map and from there the FSD does its magic in navigating to the randomly chosen spot. The first thing that is apparent is that the car can still navigate its way through the parking lot even though there are no lines and it is not a structured street which in and of itself is impressive.

If you want a good feel for what FSD feels like and how it performs, this is the video for you. Also, viewers will get an insight on where Tesla is going in the future with FSD, Sandy’s opinions on radar vs FLIR, and much more. Also, check out Chris’ channel Dirty Tesla here for more great videos from him.

And, of course, click on the video below to watch this exciting episode: