Munro Behind the scenes – FFQ on a FF 91 Prototype

In today’s episode of Munro Live, our viewers get a glimpse behind the scenes of Munro working with Faraday Future doing an FFQ on a FF 91. We are first greeted by Dan Todd who is the Director of Quality Operations at Faraday Future. Dan explains that Munro is benchmarking not only the FF 91 […]
Q&A with Sandy Munro

In today’s episode of Munro Live, we take questions submitted from viewers and have them answered in this Q&A with Sandy Munro. We get a deluge of questions from our viewers on a regular basis covering the gamut from technology to Sandy’s personal stories, to financial and market direction. Even sometimes questions which we are […]
Hyundai Kona EV Ride and Drive

In this episode of the Munro Live Hyundai Kona EV series, Sandy is back to give his honest review of the feel, ease of use, and drive experience of this vehicle. Interesting side note, one of our associates found himself without the use of his ICE vehicle after breaking down, and so was allowed to […]
2021 Jeep Wrangler 4xe First Impressions

In this first episode in the series on the 2021 Jeep Wrangler 4xe Rubicon Hybrid, Sandy Munro (a long time Jeep owner) reviews the companies newest hybrid contender. Sandy recounts some of the terrain and travails that he has experience with his Jeep Wrangler. This new hybrid vehicle however is a first look for Sandy […]
Sandy Visits ONE + Tesla Model 3 LFP Battery

In this exciting episode of Munro Live, Sandy visits the ONE (Our Next Energy) Lab and Head Quarters to have a talk and tour with Mujeeb Ijaz, CEO of ONE. Our Next Energy is dedicated to exploring the outer limits of battery and energy storage technologies. Mujeeb starts off explaining that ONE believes that to […]
Hyundai Kona First Look With Sandy Munro

In this first episode of the Hyundai Kona EV series, Sandy gives the viewers his first impressions of the vehicle. Sandy starts off with a walk around and some general comparisons between this EV and the KIA Niro. Sandy points out that between the Niro and the Hyundai Kona, the kilowatt hours are the same, […]
Mini Cooper SE EV Wrap Up With Sandy

In this wrap-up episode of the Mini Cooper SE EV series, Sandy is back and starts off giving his two cents on how he sees this vehicle. Sandy also reminds the audience that while we do benchmarking and costing, Munro started off and continues to be a product design innovation factory. Specifically speaks on the […]
Sandy Munro Named Top EV YouTube Influencer

In this great article on the Bianchi PR blog, Sandy Munro was named one of the top influencers in the automotive electric vehicle realm for our YouTube channel, Munro Live. Described as candid and informed commentary, Sandy Munro brings a whole new perspective to a broad audience on YouTube, spanning the gamut from engineer to […]
EV Breakthrough Webinar Part II September 16

Join Sandy Munro of Munro & Associates as well as Rick Walker, President of GAMA and SAMA, Albert Burleigh, Executive Director of EV Sales for Blue Bird Corporation, David Eyes, CMILT Director of Automotive Solutions at DiCentral, and Richard Doak, Technology Strategist for the manufacturing and automotive segment within the Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft for […]
Ford Mach-E Wrap Up and Final Thoughts

In this episode of Munro Live, Sandy Munro and Ben Lindamood take the viewers on a final overview of their thoughts of the Ford Mach-E after tearing it down and examining it. This episode has more than just a short overview of the vehicle, it covers some comparisons and charts not revealed in previous episodes. […]