Model Y Series: Episode 23: Octovalve Manufacturing Processes, HVAC Summary & 3D Printing

Episode 23: Octovalve Manufacturing Processes, HVAC Summary & 3D Printing Welcome back to episode 23 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro gives an overview of the octovalve assembly and HVAC case. In this episode, Sandy first takes an in depth look at the unique manufacturing methods used […]
Episode 22: Model 3 & Model Y Electric Drive Module Comparison

Episode 22: Model 3 & Model Y Electric Drive Module Comparison Welcome back to episode 22 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro compares the Model 3 and Model Y front electric drive modules (EDM). Starting off the episode with an overview of the functionality of an EV […]
Elon Musk Calls Munro’s Analysis of Tesla Engineering Accurate

The recent article “Tesla Cybertruck’s engineering and design might be genius — here’s why” offers an initial analysis of the Cybertruck by Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro. According to the author, Sandy “paints a pretty picture for Tesla.”
Elon Musk, co-founder and CEO at Tesla, noticed the article on Twitter and responded with his thoughts on Sandy’s analysis.
Sandy Munro Discusses Tesla Manufacturing with Elon Musk on Third Row Tesla Podcast

During a recent episode of the Third Row Tesla podcast, Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro joined the Third Row Tesla team along with special guest, Tesla CEO Elon Musk.
Model Y Series: Episode 21: Model 3 & Model Y Headliner Comparison & More

Welcome back to episode 21 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro compares the Model 3 and Model Y headliners, takes a look at the B pillar and trough mods.
Model Y Series: Episode 20: Noise, Vibration & Harshness Countermeasures, Cooling Pack & AGS

Welcome back to episode 20 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro walks viewers through the various types of noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) countermeasures found in the vehicle.
Model Y Series: Episode 19: PDC and ADAS Product Design Analysis

Welcome back to episode 19 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro provides an overview of the Model Y’s Power Distribution Center (PDC) and the dash-mounted, thermally regulated Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS).
Model Y Series: Episode 18: Instrument Panel Assembly & MY-M3 Comparison

Welcome back to episode 18 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro takes a look at the vehicle’s instrument panel (IP) assembly.
In this episode, Sandy gives an overview of the IP from how it’s mounted and the HVAC system, to the cross car beam design and steering system.
Model Y Series: Episode 17: Next-Gen Wiring (Or Not), Front EDM Mounting, and Octovalve Preview

Here is episode 17 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro comments on the construction of the low voltage wiring harness, mounting cross-compatibility for the front Electric Drive Module (EDM) and the infamous octovalve assembly.
Model Y Series: Episode 16: MY – M3 Electric Motor Comparison & Industry Review

Welcome to episode 16 of Munro’s Tesla Model Y Performance teardown, where Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro compares the Model Y electric drive modules (EDMs) to the Model 3.
Also in this episode, Sandy gives an industry overview of the EDMs Munro has reviewed, including the Nissan Leaf, Audi eTron, Jaguar iPace, Chevy Bolt and BMW i3.