Elon Musk Interview: with Sandy Munro

Elon Musk Interview: with Sandy Munro Well… this is the video that maybe you all have been waiting for – Sandy Munro gets a chance to sit down directly, face-to-face to have a talk with Elon Musk himself! Sandy Munro’s chat with Elon Musk at Boca Chica Texas, covers: Tesla production, mega-castings, Model 3 Seats, […]
Sandy Munro’s Christmas Episode & Tesla Parts Giveaway

Sandy Munro’s Christmas Episode & Tesla Parts Giveaway Well, it is that time of year again. We have finally reached Christmas of this whacky and as Sandy puts it, “miserable” year. However, Sandy and the team at Munro would like to take some time to bring you a little Christmas joy with our Christmas special. […]
Industry Week 7 Developments Shaping Automotive in 2021

Industry Week 7 Developments Shaping Automotive in 2021 Sandy Munro get featured in the Industry Week article “Back to the Future: 7 Developments Shaping Automotive in 2021 and Beyond” by Laura Putre. On page three of this seven slide article entitled, “Battery Battles Heating Up”, we see the familiar picture of Sandy Munro working on and […]
Munro’s Follow-up Episode On The 4680 Battery Pack

Munro’s Follow-up Episode On The 4680 Battery Pack In this episode, Sandy follows up from his last video we did on the 4680 Battery Pack where he addresses several of the comments we got about the original video. Some interesting points go into more detail about how the system is cooled using the Octovalve and […]
Sandy Builds Tesla Battery Bay

Sandy Builds Tesla Battery Bay In this episode, Sandy builds a Tesla Battery Tray using Light Guide Systems. This ingenious setup allows an operator to assemble a complex series of parts with a great amount of ease and precision by giving the operator visual steps on the screen as well as on the parts themselves; […]
Charged EV Virtual Conference Featuring Sandy Munro on Sept. 2nd and 3rd

Charged EV Virtual Conference Featuring Sandy Munro on Sept. 2nd and 3rd Save the Date! CEO Sandy Munro will be presenting two sessions during the Charged Virtual Conference which runs September 1st to 3rd online. Sandy will be giving his insight on how 10 of the leading EV motors compare against each other as well as […]
Part 2 Now You Know – Sandy Munro can make the Cybertruck Float?

Part 2 Now You Know – Sandy Munro can make the Cybertruck Float? In the second installment of the “In Depth” episode of the YouTube Channel “Now You Know”, Zac and Jesse ask Sandy Munro all sort of questions probing into the even incredulous, such as, “Can the Cyber Truck be made aquatic?” Want to […]
Munro Selling Model Y Sample Reports for $5

Munro Selling Model Y Sample Reports for $5 What? $5 for a Munro report? Well, not exactly… Munro sells the full Model Y Report for $89K. Paying full price will get you as follows: Vehicle and Zone Executive Summaries Zone Eye-Catching Features Zone Quick Cost Estimate Report Zone Quick-Costed Bill of Material in PDF format […]
Uh oh, Tesla Sues Rivian…

Uh oh, Tesla Sues Rivian… In a move that is probably more to set a precedent than anything else, Tesla is suing EV truck rival Rivian for violating Trade Secrets law. During the last little while, roughly 70 employees have left Tesla for Rivian, and Tesla is now claiming that several of these ex-employees who […]
Tips For Tesla E3 – Night Vision HUD & Wire Reduction

Tips for Tesla E3 – Night Vision HUD & Wire Reduction In this episode of Tips for Tesla, Sandy goes back in time to the year 2005 when Munro & Associates was working on a project called MI SATS (Michigan Small Aircraft Transportation System) that was also partnered with NASA to demonstrate several proof-of-concept technologies that […]