Sandy Munro Comments on Tesla’s Secret Sauce

In a guest post for Clean Technica, author Ian Richards lists some reasons critics harshly judge Tesla CEO Elon Musk, including his “run-ins with the SEC, intemperate tweets, and a catalogue of missed deadlines show that he does not have the character or the competence to run a major public company.”

New Event: SAE Tour of Munro & Associates with SAE

Join us on March 25 for a tour of Munro & Associates’ competitive product benchmarking and teardown facility. At Munro, products are analyzed for total accounted cost reduction and quality improvements. The tour of the Munro Benchmarking Investigation, Innovation & Implementation Center will provide an in-depth review of advanced electric vehicle technologies related to electric motors, inverter converters and batteries.

Critics Miss Crucial Point About the Cybertruck

While Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro loved it, according to a recent WardAuto article, “critics had a field day ripping into the design” of Tesla’s new Cybertruck. However, according to auto expert John McElroy, they missed a critical point: the design enables Tesla to eliminate most of the tooling costs.

Tesla Cybertruck: No Paint Makes it Profitable

According to a recent BGR article: “For years, the big knock against Tesla is that the company didn’t know how to turn a profit. Over the past two years, however, Tesla has turned things around. With demand still staggeringly high, production has become more efficient and the company posting a profit can no longer be characterized as a mere fluke.”

Sandy Munro Talks Cybertruck’s Novel Body Technology

The Cybertruck novel body tech has caught Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro’s interest.

Going off what Tesla has revealed about the upcoming electric pickup truck, the “Cybertruck is built with an exterior shell made for ultimate durability and passenger protection.”

Munro on What the Tesla Cybertruck Will Really Cost to Build

Motor Trend Technical Director Frank Markus recently shared some insights on the Tesla Cybertruck’s eventual production. Markus was recently on the Autoline After Hours panel discussion with Munro & Associates CEO Sandy Munro and recapped some of the highlights.